Among various promising candidates with high energy densities, lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries with a high theoretical capacity and energy density are highly attractive; while the commercial application of Li-S batteries still faces some persistent obstacles, such as the low electrical conductivity of sulfur and lithium sulfide and the dissolution of polysulfides. The introduction of 3D graphene into the field of Li-S batteries sheds a light on the efficient utilization of sulfur by improving the conductivity of the composites and restraining the shuttle of polysulfides. In this presentation, the concept for the rational design of 3D graphene is explained. The advances in the use of 3D graphene in the cathode, separator, and anode is explained. New insights on the relationship between the 3D graphene structure and the electrochemical performance are presented.
张强教授简介<span font-size:16px;" style="line-height:150%">:
张强,清华大学研究员,从事能源相关新材料技术研究。曾获得英国皇家学会Newton Advanced Fellowship、国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金、The 2012-2015 Excellence in Review Awards for CARBON、2015 most prolific reviewers for Adv. Mater.等奖励。担任J Energy Chem编辑、RSC Adv副主编、Sci Rep编辑、Energy Storage Mater客座编辑。
从事能源材料,尤其是金属锂、锂硫电池、电催化及三维石墨烯的科学研究。主持国家重点研发计划课题、自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金、北京市科委等项目。担任Nature Energy、Sci. Adv.、JACS、Adv. Mater.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 等期刊特约审稿人或仲裁人。以第一作者/通讯作者在Adv. Mater., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Nature Commun., Sci. Adv., Chem等发表SCI收录论文100余篇;所发论文引用10000次,h因子为54,35篇为ESI高引用学术论文。