主讲人: Prof. Xinmin Zhan
时间: 2018年5月15日上午10:00
地点: 太阳集团tyc5997西丽校区B1-420
Prof. Xinmin Zhan (占新民)is a professor at Civil Engineering Department in the National University ofIreland, Galway (NUI Galway). He graduated from Tsinghua University, China in1999 with a PhD degree in Environmental Engineering before conductingpostdoctoral research training in Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) in Oct.1999 - Sept. 2000 and Gifu University (Japan) in Feb. 2001 - Apr. 2001. Afterworking in Tsinghua University in the period of May 2001 - June 2002, he was apostdoctoral research fellow in the National University of Ireland, Galway fromJuly 2002 to Aug. 2004. He was appointed as a lecturer (above the bar) in Sept.2004, lecturing and conducting research in the environmental engineering area,and was promoted to professor in May 2014.
Prof. Zhan’s research interest includes (i)development of cost-effective and efficient wastewater treatment technologies;and (ii) recovery of organic waste and biomass for use as a sustainable andclean energy source and for building a green agriculture industry. In the past5 years (2012-2017), Prof. Zhan has been a principal investigator, co-ordinatoror co-investigator on over 21 research projects, with around €3 millionresearch income to his research group. His research grants are from national(including SFI, EPA and Enterprise Ireland), European Union (FP7) andinternational funding sources.
He has published over 85 peer-reviewedjournal papers, with an H-index of 28. In the last five years (2012 – 2017), hehas published over 63 journal papers. Prof. Zhan’s research team has developed4 wastewater treatment technologies, among which the PFBR technology has beenlicensed to an Irish company. He has supervised 9 PhD students and 6 masterstudents to completion, and has mentored 9 postdoctoral researchers. Currently,there are 6 PhD students, 3 master students and 3 postdoctoral researchersworking in his group.