时间: 2019年3月20日上午10:00
地点: 太阳集团tyc5997西丽校区B1-420会议室
夏岩,斯坦福大学化学系助理教授。2002年北京大学化学学院本科毕业,2005年加拿大McMasterUniversity硕士毕业,2010年美国加州理工大学博士毕业,随后在陶氏化学和麻省理工学院从事博士后研究,2013年加入斯坦福大学化学系任教。夏岩教授主要从事有机及高分子材料的设计,合成及应用,在Science,J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Macromolecules等期刊发表论文近三十篇。夏岩教授获得的荣誉包括:TermanFellowship, Army Research Office Young Investigator Award, 3M Non-TenuredFaculty Award, NSF CAREER Award, Thieme Chemistry Journals Award, CottrellScholar Award, and Sloan Research Fellowship.
Inthe pursuit of unusual ladder-shaped (macro)molecular structures with uniqueproperties, we developed Catalytic Arene-Norbornene AnnuLation (CANAL) tosynthesize rigid ladder polymers from readily available norbornenes and arylbromides. Efficient CANAL polymerization produced ladder polymers withmolecular weights up to 1 MDa, various functionalities, and contortedconformations, despite the formed strained ring in each repeat unit. Theseladder polymers exhibited high surface areas, high microporosity (pore width< 1 nm), and surprisingly high thermal stability up to 400 C withoutdetectable Tg. Membranes were fabricated as promising materials for gasseparations and understanding gas transport in glassy polymers.