时间: 2019年9月24日下午3:00
地点: 太阳集团tyc5997西丽校区B1-420会议室
Dr. Bin Zhu iscurrent a Chair professor in China University of Geoscience (Wuhan) and HubeiUniversity in China. He received M.Sc., in 1987 from University of Sci. &Tech. of China and Ph.D. 1995 from Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)in Physics and Engineering Physics. After two years Post-doctor in UppsalaUniversity (Ångström Lab.), he moved to Royal Institute of technology (KTH) in1998 and became associate professor at KTH in 1999. From 2008, Zhu has beenappointed as visiting professor in Loughborough University, UK.
Selected by HubeiProvincial 100-Oversea talent program, Zhu has established 100-talent researchteam/network for frontier research in fuel cells and solar cells. Dr. Zhu haspublished more than 300 publications in nano-composite ionic conductors and newsemiconductor-ionic materials for advanced fuel cells with the citation above7000, H-index 46 (by google scholar). He was recognized as one of the mostcited scholars in China (Energy sector, Elsevier) between 2014 and 2018. Hedevoted to establish frontier disciplinary of Semiconductor-Ionics andSemiconductor electrochemistry for fuel cells and other energy storagedevices.