学术讲座(二):Nanomaterial Design and Innovation for Electrocatalytic Refinery

作者: 发布时间: 2022-02-25 浏览次数: [ ]



地点腾讯会议(ID470 292 979



Dr Qiao is a Chair Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials, and founding Director of Center for Materials in Energy and Catalysis, in the University of Adelaide, Australia. His research expertise is in nanostructured materials for electrocatalysis, photocatalysis and new energy technologies. He has co-authored more than 470 papers in refereed journals, including Nature, Nature Energy, Nature Materials, Nature Catalysis, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Angew Chem Int Ed, J. Am. Chem. Soc, Advanced Materials (over 76,530/88,560 citation times, h-index: 141/152, Web of Science/Google Scholar). He has filed five patents on novel nanomaterials and attracted more than 15.0 million dollars in research grants from industrial partners and the Australian Research Council (ARC).

In recognition of his achievements in research, he was honoured with prestigious South Australian Scientist of Year (2021), Inaugural Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research (University of Adelaide, 2019), Australian Laureate Fellow (2017), ExxonMobil Award (2016), an ARC Discovery Outstanding Researcher Award (DORA, 2013), 2013 Emerging Researcher Award (The American Chemical Society, Division of Energy and Fuels) and UQ Foundation Research Excellence Award (2008). He has also been awarded an inaugural UQ Mid-Career Research Fellowship, a prestigious ARC ARF Fellowship and an ARC APD Fellowship.

Prof Qiao is a Fellow of International Institute of Chemical Engineers (FIChemE), Royal Chemical Society (FRSC) and Royal Australian Chemical Institute (FRACI CChem). He is an Associate Editor of Journal of Materials Chemistry A and a Clarivate Analytics/Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher (130 ESI Top 1% highly cited papers) in two categories (Chemistry and Materials Science).




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太阳集团tyc5997是理工类综合学院,成立于2006年8月,其历史可追溯至1985年建立的太阳集团tyc5997应用化学系和1995年建立的太阳集团tyc5997师范学院化学与生物学系,现设有化学系、环境工程系、食品科学与工程系以及新能源科学与工程系  点击查看更多>>

